Book Club

Live interview with Ronald Allen (Listen)

Live interview with Ronald Allen (Listen)

Mr. Torrey Rush

March 26th, 2013


Catch Torrey Rush Live on “BlogTalkRadio” with Ronald Allen at 7:00pm est. Torrey Rush is a man of excellence whose ready to share his amazing story as a father, husband and politician. Purchase your “Tears of a Lonely Son” copy TODAY! To listen to the ...

Introducing New York’s Best Seller: Torrey Rush

Introducing New York’s Best Seller: Torrey Rush

Mr. Torrey Rush

March 20th, 2013


Mr. Rush is the Founder of Carolina Community Development Corporation, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that specializes in promoting and maintaining affordable housing, business ownership, and the economic vitality of Richland County and other counties throughout South Carolina. He is currently an elected official ...

Tears of A Lonely Son

Tears of A Lonely Son

Mr. Torrey Rush

March 19th, 2013


  Tears of a Lonely Son is the story of my journey toward emotional HEALING after the loss of my father in 1999. Since that time, I have been suppressing my pain of losing someone who had such a great impact on my life. BECOMING ...